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GuoJu has been ranked in various practice areas by Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2020, was GuoJu was...

GuoJu has been ranked in various practice areas by Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2020, was GuoJu was recommended in five major areas.

Data Protection

Ranked as one of the top recommended law firms in Taiwan along with Formosan Brothers Attorneys-at-Law.

Tax Field (Tax)

Ranked among the top recommended law firms in Taiwan, along with Baker McKenzie and Tsar and Tsai Law Firm, etc.

Technology Law Field (Technology Media, Telecom)

Ranked as the second most recommended law firm in Taiwan along with Eiger Law Firm.

Labor and Employment

Ranked as the second most recommended law firm in Taiwan, together with Lee and Li, Attorneys-at-Law and Formosan Brothers Attorneys-at-Law.

Corporate and M&A

Ranked as the third most recommended law firm in Taiwan along with Formosa Transnational Attorneys-at-Law and Chien Yeh Law Offices.

Paul Chu has been honored as a leading lawyer in the field of personal data protection and technology law.

Ingrid Tsai was honored as a future star in the field of personal data protection and technology law.

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No. 30, Sec. 3, Bade Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City 105 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)


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